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Be Square

Konnichi wa!




Konnichi wa! #2


no title

Mizu ni nagasu

Ichi-go ichi-e


Drawings; Paper, various pens

These pictures have emerged out of the Lyric-aL-ity series and consist of drawings, studies on paper or works on canvases.

In contrast to works like APaDKtDA or Lyric-al-ity, these drawings or paintings have effect without any sentences or words. They deliver a picture of daily routines, emotions and expressions mystified with mostly ornamental or abstract elements and are seemingly like the title describes mostly an art piece in a square shape.

The square shape fascinates me and like for many artists and architects which have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio, the square symbolises for me that certain golden ratio.

In shows:


»up close and personal«, Atelier Worb gallery, Worb, CH, 09.06. - 25.06.2017


»F1rst Choice«, (Talent Voor Kunst), Stadsgalerij Breda, NL, 16.07 - 22.7.2012


Jacobs Foundation annual report 2013 (cover), Jacobs Foundation, Zürich, CH