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"Swallow It"
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Swallow It

Installation; polymer, varnish, MDF
Pills (Ø13x39cm) on pedestal (20x20x80cm)

"Swallow It" is a three dimensional work that has been inspired by drawings of the APaDKtDa series. The oversized varnished Pills and drawings deal with the subject "fear". Fear is a feeling that strongly influences our actions as well as our lives and with which we struggle to cope. Mostly we like to avoid what makes us frightened. The abbriviations on the capsule pills – in the style of labelling of medication which are often difficult to understand for the consumer – take detailled reference on fear of lonesomeness, poverty, illness, transience, failure, the foreign,.....

The pills and their cryptic abbriviations as well as the title of the installation "Swallow It" knowingly provoke and amuse the viewer, not only to illustrate possible sources of fear, but also to point out their handlings, or avoidance (repression). "Swallow It", i.e. the medication, is often the choice of method of many concernded or treated person. The analysis and interpretation of the installation offers the viewer food for thoughts to review his behaviour and handling with in corresponding life situations – which often can be subject to social constraint or restrictions –.

In exhibition:


»Don't be afraid«, Art-House Kunstforum, Thun, CH, 10.05.-05.06.2015